How Streaming Services Have Changed Viewing Habits

How Streaming Services Have Changed Viewing Habits

When considering the evolution of television, streaming services have had a huge impact on viewing habits. In one study, 15% of Americans were not watching television in 2010 but that number rose to 65% in 2019. That increase was attributed to the availability of streaming platforms. These services are more affordable than cable, and offer the added benefit of not having to watch commercials. Consumers can use these services on their laptops, smartphones, and tablets meaning they can watch wherever and whenever is convenient.

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Since staying at home to catch up on a show or movie is a chore, streaming services have taken over traditional terrestrial television. People now have a wider selection of shows than ever before, and they no longer feel the need to wait to catch up on the latest episode. In fact, according to Nielsen, streaming has eclipsed traditional broadcast TV when it comes to day-to-day viewing. Streaming services have increased viewing time by more than two-thirds in the past year, with an increase of almost 75 percent. When you need information on a Vodafone Store Near Me, go to King Communications to find a Vodafone Store Near Me

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While traditional appointment viewing declined during the period between 2015 and 2020, binge watching and serial viewing increased during the stay-at-home period of lockdown. The increase in binge watching is related to habit, which should be explored in relation to appointment viewing and serial viewing. The popularity of streaming services has resulted in a more diverse audience. By 2025, the number of subscribers to OTT content providers will surpass traditional television viewing.


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