The Benefits of Eating Seasonally

The Benefits of Eating Seasonally

In these modern times, we are used to being able to walk into a supermarket and pick up whatever we want. With an array of products on sale, from all different places and from many different manufacturers and countries, this can seem like a great thing to have.

However, many more people are starting to take notice of the benefits of eating food that is both local and seasonal – stepping back to a way of eating that is more in line with how our ancestors would have eaten.

Here are three benefits that are encouraging more and more people to do this…

It Benefits the Body

Food that is local and in season is much better for your body. Nature provides us with the foods that we need at that time of year, based on where we live. For example, did you know that the flowers from an elder tree, which bloom in the summer, can treat the symptoms of hay fever? The berries from the same tree also arrive in the early autumn, coinciding with the start of cold and flu season. These berries are packed full of vitamins that are known for boosting the immune system. This is something that we see in many of the plants that we eat, so eating food that is both local and seasonal will give your body a great health boost.

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It is Better for the Environment

Eating seasonal produce is important as it is better for the environment. With scientists warning us of an impending climate catastrophe if we don’t all start to make better choices to reduce our carbon footprint, this is a great thing to do. As well as businesses, who can reduce their carbon footprint in many ways, such as using services like this business recycling Cheltenham based service , the choices that we as individuals make when it comes to food is an important way to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

The food that is produced locally, will have travelled far fewer miles to be with us – buying from local farm shops and independent food suppliers who are providing local produce means that the food that you eat is from your local area, and makes it much kinder to the environment.

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It Supports Local Businesses

Many local businesses need the support of people in the area to survive. To keep the businesses and farmers going in your area, buying from them directly is not only a way to get fresh local foods, but it also will help your local economy to thrive. This means more jobs and better prospects are available in the area.

It can also give a better sense of community – for example, many places hold farmers markets, where you can meet the people who produce the foods and get to know your local suppliers. This way, you get a really good idea of where your food has come from and can make better choices for your own health.

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