This War of Mine: The Little Ones in Ps4 and Xbox One
This War of Mine made a successful debut last year, a game that shows the horrors of war from a completely new angle, where the player does not get in the shoes of the typical soldier, but of a group of civilians trying to survive in a city under siege.
Next year, the title of 11 bit studios debut in PS4 and Xbox One as “This War of Mine”. The Little Ones its creators did not want to simply develop a more portability, so, in addition to including the content of the original game, I have decided to extend the experience by introducing children to the world of the game.
In “This War of Mine: The Little Ones” the player must make tough decisions driven by his own consciousness to protect everyone in your shelter or sacrifice some of them to endure hardships. There is no right or wrong decision; there is only survival.
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