An introduction to breakaway training

An introduction to breakaway training

Breakaway training is not only about physically removing yourself from risk but also encompasses de-escalation, empowerment, environmental factors, and precursors to aggression.
Violence and aggressive incidents are the third biggest cause of injuries under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) from the health and social care sector. Employees and employers should work together to introduce systems to prevent and reduce incidents.

Key elements

Training gives staff the confidence to deal with aggressive or threatening situations. It looks at the warning signs of a person on the verge of becoming aggressive or threatening. These could include changes to body language, such as clenched teeth, or changes in verbal communication, such as a raised voice.

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Another component is identifying real and imminent risks. Signs include swearing, knocking over objects, or making threats.

Observing the personal and environmental impacts around us is another element. This could include factors such as the size of the person, whether intoxication is involved, and the location of exit points and obstructions to escape.

Breakaway training also looks at the relevant laws and legislation surrounding medical implications and the use of force.

Simple physical and practical techniques are taught that empower staff to block or escape from unwanted physical contact that is likely to cause them harm.


Challenging behaviour and breakaway techniques training equips staff with the knowledge and skills to better understand challenging behaviours. It allows them to calculate the level of risk, the necessary responses, and how to ensure the safety of themselves and service users.

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Breakaway training and other mental health training courses Milton Keynes are available from providers such as

Everyone has the right to feel safe in the workplace, with appropriate training ensuring staff have the tools to deal with potentially difficult encounters.

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