Analysis Dangerous Golf

Dangerous Golf

Analysis Dangerous Golf

In this life, few things bust me more than wrong with a video game and that is exactly what has happened to me Dangerous Golf. What apparently seemed an unusual game of golf, funny and goofy, those that you download to enjoy during short periods has proven to be a complete disappointment in my “other games” for the summer?

Honestly, I do not like golf and serious titles based on the sport even less. However, if there is something I love in a game of truth is the possibility of destroying things in real time, altering a scenario by direct action of the player has always seemed to me one of the best and funniest advances that a video game can provide to user.

At first this title Three Fields Entertainment seemed interesting for two reasons: first because of the high destructive component showing detailed scenarios, and second; all that destruction was wrapped up by Alex Ward and Fiona Sperry, former members of Criterion and my beloved creators of Burnout . Fun seemed guaranteed.

Dangerous Golf
Image Source: Google Image

The action takes place in a number of developed countries located in different locations, both indoors and outdoors. The system turn – based game (online and offline) rewards us with points based on the level of destruction that we achieved by bouncing the ball to cause as much damage level and thus multiplying the benefits. By three runs we have to get the highest score possible razing all elements of the stage, achieving a specific goal in more advanced testing and of course in the ball in the hole. However, and contrary to what it may seem these releases are nothing elaborate, skill or aim should be able to demonstrate the player absent because everything is reduced to project the ball in one direction while applying two types of force.

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Dangerous Golf is quickly revealed as a boring game and the third game in interest fizzles a stroke while you mourn those who have thrown digital toilet. Even the five modes of gifted game with cooperative and multiplayer options dampen get this nagging feeling caused by a mechanical too superficial.

= Conclusion =

Do not buy this game

= Strengths =

  • The variety of places, good level design and slowed images of the ball bouncing around the stage destroying everything in its path is something that entertains during the first two games, then you end up remembering accidents Burnout or time bullet Max Payne and then will decide to forget this game forever

= One might have improved =

  • If the creators have chosen to implement a system of targeted and shot a little more elaborate and profound things had changed but not the experience ends up becoming boring and monotonous
  • The use of the camera could have taken advantage of much better as a virtue to compensate for a too simple and gameplay
  • Load times are high for a game of this nature

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